I will talk about the effects, efficacy, actions, ideas, etc. in the English version.

Joukei Tsunogai, JAPAN
★1. Pulse diagnosis(脈診)is one of the important diagnuses in Ulvader medicine.(アーユルヴェーダー医学)
★2. Ulvader medicine(アーユルヴェーダー医学)in oldest traditional medicine in the world.(世界最古の伝承医学)
★3. Chinese medicine(中国医学)conbines(結合させた)acupoints(ツボの点)and meridians.(経絡・線)
★4. In other word it is the effect(効果)of the combination of point(点)and lines.(線)by fusing this great idea.(この融合させた・調和は偉大な発想)
★5. Humans(人間)get good results(結果)when they work(働いて)in the sub-consius.(潜在意識)
★6. For that it is important to relax and breathing.(呼吸)To control(調整すること)and breathe out.(息を吐くこと)
★7. Just pay attention to your breathing and breath.(ただ、呼吸に注意を向けて、呼吸して下さい)
★8. Meditation(瞑想)enhances the energy of the mind.(心のエネルギーを高める)
★9. It is important for people to taste(味わう)appreciate(享受・受け入れ、味わう)the energy.(エネルギー・エナジー)
★10. Also, it is important to taste(味わう・感覚)appreicate(享受・受け入れ、楽しむ)it in order to rejuvanate(若返られる、活力を取り戻させる)your brain.(脳)
★11. Be aware of the feeling of tasting everything.(全てのことに、味わう感覚を意識する)
★12. Peaple defend(防衛)when they have anxiety(不安・心配)in their hearts.(人は心の奥に不安・心配があると防衛する)
★13. Pulse diagnosis(脈診)is a diagnosis on a sensation(感覚・知覚)of primitive(素朴な・基本の)fingertip.(指先・指端)(脈診は素朴な指先感覚による診断です)

★☆➀.This "Pulse diagnosis" is an "ancient" "diagnostics" method.(この脈診は "古来" からの診断方法です)
★☆②.Chinese medecine is an "indispensable" "diagnosis".(漢方 "独自" の診断には "欠くことのできない" 手法です)
★☆③.Please 『find someting』 "interesting" about "Pulse diagnosis".(脈診は面白い、おもしろいことを "見つけて" ください。)
★14. The ideas(思想)that form the basis(根幹)of chinese medicine(中国医学)are yin(陰)and yang.(陽)(中国医学の根幹をなす思想は陰と陽です)
★15. It is method(方法・方式)to cure(治す)the disease(=病気)be enhancing(高める・増す)the natural healing power(自然治癒力・回復力)and vitality(生命力)of the body by harmonizing(調和させて・協調させる)this yin and yang.(この陰陽を調和させることによって。身体の自然治癒力、生命力を高めて病気を治してしまう)
★16. Harmonizing this yin(陰)and yang(陽)is the most(最も)important treatment(治療)method.(この陰と陽を調和させることが最も大切な治療法となります)
★ ☆ .Actually, this was "drilled" in to me by "master" when I was an "apprentice"
(実は、この考え方は "見習い" "弟子" の時代に "師匠" から"叩き込まれ" ました
★17. I consider(よく考える・考察する)this yin(陰気)and yang(陽気)to be energy.(Positive energy and negative energy)(私はこの陰気と陽気はエナジーと考えます)(ポジティブエナジーとネガティブエナジー)
★18. Harmonizing this energy is the primary goal.(第一の目標・第一の主要な)(このエナジーを調和させることが第一の目標です)
★19. Acupuncture(鍼治療)has the effect(効果)of superiorty(優位)para-sympathetic nerves.(副交感神経)(鍼治療は副交感神経を優位にする効果があります)
★20. Brings(もたらす・導く)(持ってくる)the yang(陽気)to the yin.(陰気)There is an idea to bring the yang to yin.(陽から陰へ)(陽気を陰気にもたらすというアイデアがあります)
★ This idea(考え方・発想)is great idea.(素晴らしい発想) It is most essential(重要な・必要な)for me to apply(応用する・利用する)this idea to the treatment method.(私はこの考え方を治療に活用することは最も重要です)
★ A world of harmony and a world of bring.(調和の世界)(もたらす世界)
★21. The way of thinking in Eastern Philosophy.(東洋哲学での考え方)
★ Everything has two sides.(二面性)(すべての物事は二面性がある)For example, the yin(陰)and yang(陽)of Eastern thought. (東洋思想)(例えば、東洋思想の陰と陽)
★ Yin(陰)is activated(活動する・活性化する)by bring the yang.(陽)(陽をもたらすことにより陰が活動する。
★22. Harmonize these two contradictory(相反する・正反対の)works to bring out the inner power.(内なる力)of the body.(これら二つの相反するエナジーの働きを調和させて身体の内なる力を引き出す)

☆➀."Harmony" of Yin(陰)and Yang(陽)。
☆②.The "Harmonious Power" of Yin and Yang
☆③.Harmony means being in "good harmony" with eath other.
(調和とは、お互いが "ほどよく存在し" "和合"(バランスが取れ)している)
☆④.In other words, Yin and Yang were in harmony.
★ This idea is very interesting.(このアイデアはとても面白い)
★23. Great hint(大いなるヒント・手がかり)when thinking about illness.(病気)
★ Immune aging(免疫の老化)is gret hint.(手がかり)
★ In the coming ear, hints of immune aging will be requires.(必要とする)(これからの時代は「免疫の老化」のヒントが求められる)
★ An approach to immune aging is need.(免疫の老化に対するアプローチが必要です)
★24. Immunity can be enhanced by improving(向上・改善)the blood flow in the capillaries.(毛細血管)(毛細血管の血流を良くすると免疫力が高められます)
★ Acupuncture(鍼術)enhanced the circulation(循環)of capillaris.(鍼術は毛細血管の循環を高めます)
★25. The key to good health lies in the capillares.(健康の鍵は毛細血管にあります)
★ Immunity is boosted by increasing the circulation of capillaries with acupuncture(鍼治療)(鍼治療で毛細血管の循環を高めると免疫力が上がります)
★26. Rejuvenation(若返り・元気回復)of capillaries improves immunity.(毛細血管が若返ると免疫力がアップします)
★ Specifically(具体的には)it is important to improve the circulation of capillaries.On the surface of the skin.(具体的には、皮膚の表面の毛細血管の循環を良くすることが大事です)
★ Acupuncture(鍼治療・A tschnipue that targetes the「skin」without insert.(刺さないで「皮膚」を治療目標にする手法)(鍼を打たない・Do not hit needle)Acupuncture is an effective techniques.(鍼術は有効な手法です)
★27. The therapeutic(治療上の)goal is the skin.(治療目標は皮膚です)
★ Circulation of capillaries on the surface of the skin.(皮膚の表面の毛細血管の循環です)
★ Circular acupuncture is performed on the surface of this skin.(この皮膚の表面に対して「円鍼術」を行います)
★28. "To rub" and "stroke" your back with "circular" acupuncture.
(この"円鍼" で背中を擦る(さする・こする)円鍼術を行います)
★ ① The meaning of the "stroke" here means the "to rurb" "to stroke"
(ここでの stroke は "擦る" "撫(な)でる" を意味します)
strokeには:①(打つこと)一撃、脳卒中(中風・ちゅうふう)(中・あたる・漢方的)脈拍 ②反復運動(動き)③撫でること(表面上でそっと手を動かす動作・何度も繰り返し撫でる "摩擦する" "短い線;ひとかき、押し付ける" 意味があります。)
「stroke of luck:思いがけない幸運・巡り合わせ」
「stroke of genius:天才的・閃き」
★ ② Circular (Round) acupuncture is an "effective" technique for the "qi deficiency" and "blood deficiency"
(この "円鍼" は "気虚" や "血虚" に"有効" な手法です)
★ ③ Circular acupuncture "needles" are interesting!
★29. Acupuncture treatment of pain(痛み)or disease(病気)by inserting(差し込む・入れる)the tip of needles at specific(特効のある)point on the skin.(皮膚)(鍼治療は皮膚の特定の場所に鍼の先を差し込むことによる痛み、または、病気の治療)
★30. Acupuncture promoted circulation.(鍼治療は循環を促進します)

★ Use traditional acupuncture to regulate(整える) the「flow of energy」 (伝承的な鍼で「気」の流れを調整する)
★31. I interpret medicin(解釈する)and treat oriental medicine domestic medicine. and it is medicine to harmonize. (調和させる医学である)
★ Harmonize mind and body. (精神と肉体を調和させる)
★32. For example, To grow while making mistakes it is important to be「cherful」「fun」and 「positive」 (例えば、失敗を重ねながら成長していく、そのためには「明るく」「楽しく」そして「前向き」が大事)
★33. Harmony is when to energy collided(ぶつかる・衝突する)and harmonise.(調和させる) (調和は二つのエナジーがぶつかり合いながら「調和」していくことです)
★ This idea is seclet treasure.(この発想は「秘宝」です)
★ Displin is key to success.(自制心が成功の鍵です)
★34. Let's become ourselves aiming(狙いつける)for heighte. (高みを目指す自分になろう)

★ Awareness to overcome is important.(逆潮に突っぱれの意識)=(乗り越える意識が大切))
★ Be optimistic and active. (楽観的であること行動力あがること)
★35. In oriental medicine they are called「meridians」(経絡)(けいらく)and 「acupuncture point」(経穴)(けいけつ) (東洋医学では経絡、経穴と呼びます)
★ Meridians is meridian.(経線・子午線)It means the meridian of the earth.(地球の「経線・子午線」を意味します)
★36. Oriental medicine considers(考察する)meridian to be a passage(通路・通過する)throgh which 気(qi)energy flows. (東洋医学では、経絡は「気」の流れる通路と考えます)
★37. We believe that ideal flow of 気(qi)and blood(血)(けつ)during the merideans is healthy. (経絡を「気」と「血」が理想的に流れていることが健康と考えます)
★38. In order to generate ideas, the hint is to learn well and play well. (アイデアを生み出すためのヒントは、よく学び、よく遊びにあります)
★ There are hints of ideas in interesting places. (面白い所に、アイデアのヒントがあります)
★ There fore, it is inportant to do everything that is interesting. (従って面白がって何事もやることが大切です)
★ From now on「Design thinking」is inportant. (これからは「デザイン思考」が大事です)
★39. Acupuncture has the effect of in crasing capillary circulation and rejuvenation the body. (鍼術は毛細循環を高めて、身体を元気にする効果があります)
★Acupuncture has the effect of improving capillary circulation and energizing the body. (鍼術は毛細循環を高めて、身体に活力を与える効果があります)
★40. Pulse diagnosis in chinese medicine examines vitality. (中国医学)東洋医学での脈診は生命力(活力・元気)を診ます
★41. The effect of acupuncture is cerebral circulation and function.(鍼術の効果は脳の循環と機能です)
★42. Acupuncture is an important way connects dots.
★A passage(meridians)is created by connecting dots.
★43. In life as will, the idea of『connecting the dots』an important idea.
★Also,『The point will eventually become lines, and the will eventually become faces』
★This idea is also in interesting.
★There is nothing wasted.
★44. It is important that a line, is born from a point and(intersect)that line.
★ It's an encounter, an encounter is important in life.
★45. Human are expression of joy.
It is important to keep it interesting.
☆ .In other words, you just have to keep it interesting and "develop" it.
(つまり、いつまでも面白がって "展開" すればいい)

★46. Acupuncture works for pain in the shoulder area.
★ Acupuncture works for pain in the lower back area.
★ It’s acupuncture has a technique to remove inflammation.
★47. This is most important idea of acupuncture.
★ There is happy medium in everything.
★ It is a quesion of finding happy medium.
★48. All things are in a state of flux.
★ If it turns to the cathode, it will turn positive.
(陰 極まれば 陽に転ず)(陽 極まれば 陰に転ず)
★ We have two elements Yin and Yang.
★49. Interest, interset and fun are energy.
★ Interest and fun are trasures for important keyword in life and research.
★ This feeling is also important in clinical resarch on pulse diagnosis acupuncture.
★50. Life is fumbling.
★ Pulse diagnosis acupuncture is also a fumbling state clinical study.
★ "Imaginative" is "wonderful"
☆( "想像力豊かな" って "素敵"です)☆
★ ① It’s interesting the ideas you can "create" if you can "imagine" it.
(imagine:"想像する" "心に描く" "思い浮かべる" が出来れば、それは "創造"(形成)できる考え方は面白い)
★ ② It’s the "effectiveness" of the human "five senses" and "brain"
(人間の "五感" や "脳" の "効能" ですね)
★51. Aim for one chance.
★ ☆ In short, don't miss any "chance" no matter how small.
(要するに、どんな小さな "チャンス" も逃さない);
"意識する":be conscious.
"機会を待つ":wait for the opportunity.
★ Don’t forget your original intention.
★ He who would climb the ladder must begin at the botton.
★52. Obsession for victory.
★ I have been obsessed with the pulse and researched acupuncture.
★ This strong commitment(obsession)is great energy.
★53. The importance of information.
★ The art of war, by Sun Tzus.
★ If you know your enemy and you know yourself, there is no danger of a hundred battles.
★54. In the human "chest" "宗気"(soke)qi.energy is "gatered"
(人間の "胸" には "宗気"(そうき)気エナジーが "集まって" います)
① This "宗気"(soke)qi.energy "ganerated" from "breathing", "eating", and "drinking" "sleeping" <my an idea>
(この "宗気"(そうき)は ①"呼吸"と、②"飲食"、③"睡眠"から、この"気"エナジーが "生成" (生み出す)されます)<my an idea>
☆ It's "generated" "essential" power.
(それは "生成" された "きわめて重要な" 精気エナジーです)
② This "宗気" qi.energy is also "involved" in the "functioning" of th「heart and lungs」
(また、この "宗気" は主に「心と肺」の働きに "関与"(関係)します)
☆ There fore, it has the "effect" of "breathing" and "circulating"「blood」through out the body.
(従って、"呼吸" を行ったり、「血」を身体中、 "巡らす" "効能" があります)
③ There is "correlation" of "宗気"(soke)qi.energy and "aspiration" <my an idea>
(この "宗気" 気エナジーと "aspiration" の意味に "相関性" があります」)<私のアイディアです>
☆ aspirationには:①(覇気・意気込み)②(熱望・願望)③(呼吸・息を吐くこと・息を吸うこと)④(魂に息を吹き込む・息吹・いぶき)⑤(いき・吹く・生気や活力のあること)⑥(理想・志)⑦(夢・希望)⑧(大志・憧れ・向上心)

④ "宗気"(soke)qi.energy "hates"「cold」and "prefers"「warm」things.
("宗気" 気エナジーは「冷え」を"嫌い"「温かい」ものを"好む")
★55. Coexistence with nature is important for helth.
★ This is becourse the body is one with nature.
★ Acupuncture is about strengthening the vital energy flow of nature.
★56. “気の流れ” を英語で表現しますと vitel energy flow or flow of energy と言います。つまり “生命” のエネルギーの流れとなります。
★ This expression is very interesting:English
★ Health and vitality are important for life.
★57. The secret of polse diagnosis acupuncture.
★ When i "receive" acupuncture thoughts "arise"
(鍼を "とると" 思いが "生じる")
★ ①☆This idea was born during the "ancient Sengoku" period.
(この考え方は "古代戦国時代" に生まれた)
★ ②☆Take "advantage" of somebody's "unpreparedness"
("虚を衝く"、"不意を突く")(不備、不用意、油断、隙間を"活用する"こと。つまり、"虚(きょ)をつく" "不意打ち":by suprise attack)
「Taking the "senses" by "suprise"」:(意識の"虚"をつく)
★ ③☆For example, in jiu_jitsu, he quickly setup a technique at the "grapping point", and was caught in the cross fire.
(例えば、柔術で "組みぎわ" で素早く技を仕掛けてきた)
★ ④☆The "techniques" was perfect! that's the "benefit" of "unpreparedness":(虚をつく)
(見事に "技(わざ)" が決まった! "虚をつく" ことによっての "効用" ですね)
☆In short, she carried out the "surprise attack" operation without any "hesitation"
(要するに、"奇襲"(高速の・技・わざ)を "平気" で行った!)
★ ⑤☆The idea of "deficiency" oriental medicine.
(東洋医学に於ける "虚(きょ)" "不足、欠乏、不完全" の考え方)

★ ⑥☆To "reinforcing" for the "deficiency":(補法・生命力の強化)
★ ☆(虚(きょ)を補うこと)☆
★ ☆First, give top "priority" to making up for the "deficiency" :(不足・虚)
(まず、"虚" を補うことを "最優先" に行うこと)
★ ⑦☆It's "sence of touch" the "deficiency pulse"
(それは "虚脈" の "感触" です)
★ ⑧☆つまり "気虚" :qi deficiency または "血虚" :blood deficiency といいます。
★58. Laughter is source of good health.
★ ☆You don’t laugh becouse you’re happy.
☆You’re happy becouse you laugh.
(Alain):Emile-Auguste chartier.
★59. The utility of distraction and interesting.
★ Distraction and interesting are treasures of life.
★ You can swich your thourgts to a new channel.
Bertrand - Arthur william : Russel.
★60. The treasur of life is the determination.
(人生の宝は ”決意” をすることです)
★ And the first step is to take the first step.
★ Also, it is important to “Rejoice” in the that first step.
(さらに、その第一歩を ”歓喜” (大いに喜ぶ)することが
★ At this time, it is important to push out freely and brightly.
★61. If you are impressed the world in fun.
★ Everything depends on whethere it is fun or not.
★ Impression is a treasure of life : < be impressed > < It’s energy >
★62. In oriental medicin “deficiency” and “excess” most important things.
(東洋医学では ”虚” と ”実” を最も大切に考えます)
★ The important things in Eastern thought is the “margin”
(東洋思想で大事なことは、それは ”余白” です)
★ Deficiency means incompleteness or insufficiency.

★☆➀. 虚(きょ):(deficiency)の意味には、➀不足 ②不完全 ③欠乏 ④不備 ⑤不十分 ⑥欠損 ⑦欠如 ⑧軟弱 ⑨凹み ⑩気血の虚 ⑪精気の不足 ⑫機能不全 ⑬不完全な ⑭未完成な、などがあります。
★☆②. In oriental medicine it is to "reinforcing" for the "deficiency".
(東洋医学では、それは虚に対して "補法" 生命力の強化を行います)
★☆③. There is "virtues" in "both", both "deficiency" and "excess".
(虚(きょ)にも実(じつ)にも "両方" に「美点」、「長所」、「価値」があります。)
★☆④. There is beauty "hidden" within the "deficiency".
(虚の内側に "美点" を "秘めている")
hidden meaning:隠(さ)れた意味。つまり、虚の内側に「美点」が隠されている。
★63. Eastern thought:find beauty in the “deficiency”.
★ The idea that there is beauty in the “deficiency” is interesting.
★ It is also interesting to think that this “margin” has the effect of leading to Rejoice.
★64. The meaning of constellation is “constellation” “arrangement” “entrustment”and “gathering”
★ The idea that the whol thing can be seen by “entrusting” it is interesting.
★65. Acupuncture is effective for neck pain and inflammation.
★ The neck is closely related to the circulation of the brain and face.
(首は ”脳” や ”顔” の循環と深く関係しています)
★ Acupuncture can increase brood flow in the brain.
(鍼術は ”脳” の血流を高めることができます)
★66. Acupuncture is effective for neck pain and inflamation.
★ The “sterno cleido mastid : muscle” on the side of the neck is associated with a “beautiful” neck and face.
(首の横の ”胸鎖乳突筋” が美しい首や顔に関係しています)
★ Also, The “sterno cleido mastid : muscle ” is effective for shoulder pain and shallow breathing.
★67. Acupuncture is effective for shoulder pain and inflamation.
★ The neck is closely related to the circulation of the brain and face.
(首は ”脳” や ”顔” の循環と深く関係しています)
★ Acupuncture can increase brood flow in the brain.
(鍼術は “脳” の血流を高める事ができます)
★68. The “trapezius” muscle is just above the shoulder.
(”僧帽筋” は肩の真上にある筋肉です):
★ It is important to get rid of this muscle “over strain”
(この筋肉の ”過緊張” を取ることが大事です)
★ In addition, it is important to enhance the “capillary circulation” of this muscle by acupuncture.
(また、この筋肉の ”毛細血管循環”を高める事が大事です)
★69. The meaning of “lumbago” is lower back pain.
★ 「iliopsas muscle」(This muscle is an important muscle that “connects” the upper and lower body)
「腸陽筋」(ちょうようきん)(この筋肉は上半身と下半身を ”つなぐ” 大事な筋肉です)

★☆➀. The "gluteus maximus muscle" is made up of the "three layers".
("大臀筋(だいでんきん)" は "三層" から成っています)
★☆②. ➀「大臀筋」(だいでんきん):gluteus maximus. ②「中臀筋」(ちゅうでんきん):gluteus medius. ③「小臀筋」(しょうでんきん):gluteus minmus.
★☆③.The "Achlles tendon" and "gluteus maximus" are important for walking, running and jumping.
("アキレス腱" と "大臀筋" は歩く、走る、ジャンプするのに重要です)
★ “The target in acupuncture is this muscle”
★ “A beautiful posture comes from this muscle”
★70. Pulse diagnosis can diagnosis “resilience”
★ Also, Pulse diagnosis can diagnosis the “vitality”that in the body.
(また、脈診は身体の内側に持っている ”vitality”生命力、活気、生気エネルギーを診ることができます)
★ Vitality is born from supple pulse.
★71. Place your finger on “radius artery” of your wrist for examination.
(手首の ”橈骨動脈” に指を当てて診察します)
★ Check the “pulse” in the ”radius artery”( ”橈骨動脈” の ”脈” を診ます)or , check the pulse in the “carotid artery”(又は、”頸動脈” の脈を診ます)
★ Pulse diagnosis is a sensation of “primtive”finger tip.
(脈診は ”素朴” な指先の感覚による診断です)
★72. That oxygen is carrid to the “brain” through a system of “artery”
(血中酸素は “動脈” 系を通じて ”脳” に運ばれます)
★ 「carotid artery」supply the fromt of the “brain”and 「vertebral arteris」”supply” the back.
「頸動脈」は ”脳” の前部に、「椎骨動脈」は ”脳”の後部に血液を ”供給” しています。
★ It is important to take dare of the “inside” and “outside” of the “blood vessel”
★73. It is important to increase the power to “return”from the “legs” to the “heart”
★ It improve “systemic” blood flow by increasing「venous return」
(それは「静脈還流量」を高めることで ”全身の”血流が良くなります)
★ It’s interest “venoue return”(ヴィーナス・リターン)
★74. Calf muscle(ふくらはぎの筋肉):cramp in the “ hamstring ”(ふくらはぎの筋肉がつった)
★ The “calf muscle” has the action of “foward force”and “jupping force”
(ふくらはぎの筋肉は ”前進力” や ”ジャンプする力”の作用(働き)があります)
★ It’s grate “calf muscle” The target in acupuncture is capillary circulation of this muscle.
★75. The “Meridians” that “dominate” the face.
(顔を “支配” している ”経絡(けいらく)”)
★ ①Around the “mouth” is a “stomach meridian”
(口の周囲は ”胃経絡” です)
★ ②The outside of the “nose” is the “large intestin”
(鼻の外側は ”大腸経絡” です)
★ ③The “check”of the “lung meridian”
(ほっぺえ・頬は ”肺経絡” です)
★ ④The “forehead” of the “heart meridian”
(おでこ・額は ”心経絡” です)
★ ⑤The “throat” of the “kidney meridian”
(喉や首は ”腎経絡” です)
★76. ①督脈(とくみゃく):Governor-vessel.(GV:Meridian)
★ ②妊脈(にんみゃく):Conception-vessel.(CV:Meridian)
★ ☆Controlling the “spirit”.
(督脈は ”気” を支配、制御する)古典・(気の海)
★ ☆Controlling the “blood”.
(妊脈は ”血” を支配、制御する)古典・(血の海)
★ ① If has effect of controlling the various“yang-energy”
★ ② If has effect of controlling the various“yin-energy”
★77. ①自律神経系:Autonomic nervous system.
★ ②交感神経 :Sympathetic nerve.
★ ③副交感神経:Parasympathetic nerve.
★ ☆古典・虚(きょ):Deficiency
★ ☆古典・実(じつ):Excess
★ Acupuncture is an “effective” technique for the“autonomic nervous system”
(鍼術は ”自律神経系” に ”有効” な手法です)
★78.“Moderateness” is important in acupuncture treatment.
(鍼術に於いて大事なことは ”程(ほど)よさ” です)
★ That is most important ”moderate adjustment”and “It feels moderate”
(それは ”程よい加減” と ”ちょうどいい感じ” です)
★ This idea is a “treasure” of acupuncture.
(この考え方は鍼治療の ”宝” です)
★ Technically it is called “dose”
★ ☆It great moderate(adjustment)
★ ☆瀉法(しゃほう):Reducing・(消減・軽減する)<減らす>
★ ①刺鍼の補瀉:
Reinforcing and Reducing manipulation of acupuncture therapy.
★ ②呼吸の補瀉:
Reinforcing and Reducing method by respiration.
★ ③開闔の補瀉
Reinforcing and Reducing method by keeping hole or closed.
★ ☆”Revitalize treatment” that stimulats(気・Qi) the “organs” or the “meridians”
★ ☆It is an excellent technipue of traditional medicine.
★80.☆随証療法 (ずいしょうりょうほう)
:Proof therapy<証拠・証明・兆候>
★ The“proof ”(proof therapy)is the ”treatment policy”in oriental medicine.
★ Technicaly it is called “proof therapy”
★ ☆For example, You can “regain” the “brillance”by taking the steps you should take.
★ ☆Therapy in “accordanc” with the oriental medical “syndromes”
(随証療法とは ”証に従って治療が一致する”の意味です)<証に随って治療する>
★81.☆Shoulder stiffness:Symptom of shoulder stiffness.
★ ☆Neck stiffness :feel “stiff” around the neck.
(首すじがかたく”凝って” 曲がりにくい)
★ If you use your eyes too much, your neck and shoulders stiff.
★ ☆capillary circulation is “associated” with muscle “stiffness” and stiff.
★ ☆Acupuncture has an excellent function of promoting capillary circulation.
★82.☆If you raise your sense you will know the value.
★83.☆I believe that human brain can exert "tremendous" if it is serius.
★84.☆Utilize techniques(技・わざ)for yourself and others.
("技"(わざ) を "活用" することは自分も活かし相手も活かす)
★ ☆Turn around, think of "techniques" "as tools" and use them "actively"
(転じて、"技"(わざ)は "道具の如し" と考え、その技(わざ)を "積極的に" 使うことです)
★ ☆There is a king in continuing to affirm.
★ In other words, there things will「find the beauty」of the deficiency.
★85.☆①The skin has "wisdom"
★ ☆Further more, the skin has "intelligence"
★ ☆②I believe the skin has another brain "function"
★ ☆③Therefore, there is a "clos-connection" between the skin and brain. I think.
★ ☆④The skin can be considered the second brain.
★ ☆⑤The skin "correlated" with the "lung" and "largeintestin"
★ ☆⑥When it comes to "glossy skin" "energy" comes out.
★ ☆⑦Skin is mysterious.
★ ☆And also, It has a lot of "Potential"
(そしてまた、沢山の "潜在能力" を持っている)
★ ☆⑧This "Power of intelligence" is important for interesting and having fun.
(面白がったり、楽しむためには、この "知性の力" が大切となります)
★ ☆⑨Intelligence:refers to human「cognitive abilities」including "sensory percepion"
(知性は:"感覚的な知覚作用" を含めた人間の「認識能力」を指します)
★ ☆In addition to:the ability to (know)(知る).(think)(考える).and(judge)(判断)things.(物事を)
★ ☆⑩More over "Sensory and Perceptual action" are also very important.
(加えて "感覚的な知覚作用" もとても重要です)
★ ☆①I am "impressed" by the "greatness" of human "perception"
(私は人間の "知覚" の "偉大さ" に "感銘" しています)
★ Perceptionには:①"知覚"(感覚器官を通してとらえる働き) ②"感知"(認める行為) ③"認識"(見分け、判断する) ④"会得"(Understand it well, make it your own) ⑤"勘"("直感で" By intuition "知覚"する "To perception") ⑥"五感" (Five senses)による"気付くこと" "知ること"("Notice through" the "five senses");("to know" )("to sense")
★ ☆②It is "extremely" to "create" a "sense of distsnce" thorough the "five senses"
("五感" によって完璧な "距離感" を "作る" ことは極めて重要です。)
★ ☆In addition, it is important to do "aware" of this "sense of distance" and perform "high-speed techniques"
(この"距離感" を "認識(意識)して" 高速の技(わざ) を繰り返すことが大切なポイントです)
★ ☆⑪"Imagination" is stronger than "Consciusness"
("想像" は "意識" より強い)
★86.☆People gain confidence when they "see" and "touch" the "real thing"
(人間は "本物" を"見たり" "触れたり" すると自信がでる)
★ ☆Additionally, i feel how important it is to be "authentic" and "particular"
(さらに、"本物" に "こだわる" ことが如何に大切かを感じます)
"authentic" : の意味には ①"本物の" ②"王道の" ③"確かな" ④"信頼のおける" ⑤"正真正銘の" ⑥"実際の" ⑦"正統の" ⑧"れっきとした" ⑨"伝統的な"
★ ☆About this:be impressed・impression・excitement・deepemotion
★87.☆Don’t raise "blood sugar" too quicly.
★ Eat the "Vegetables" first.
(それは、最初に "野菜" を食べる)
★ ☆①.Additionally,i think about "sleep"
★ ☆②.Sleeping "clears" your head.
(睡眠を取ると頭が "スッキリ" する)
★ ☆③.In other words, it "becomes the energy" "generated by the brain"
(つまり、この睡眠は "脳の生み出す" エナジーとなる)
★ ☆④So, be sures to "get some sleep"
★88.☆The concept of connecting "dot’s" to from a "surface"
(点と点が繋がって "面" となる考え方)
:The meaning of the "face" here means the "result"
(ここでの "面" の意味は "結果" や "成果" を意味します)
★89.☆A treasure of oriental thought.
★ ☆①When yin(陰)reaches it’s peak, it will begin to transform in to yang(陽)
(陰極まれば、陽になる):It energy flows. flow of energy.(エナジーは流動する).(気の流れ).energy flow .(生命力の流れ)
★ ☆②The yin(陰)energy is activated by "bring" the yang(陽)energy.
★ ☆③The idea that all things have "two sides"
(また、すべての物事は "二面性" からなるという考え方です)
★ ☆As an example, the yin (陰)and yang(陽)of eastern thought.
★90.☆All things "bear yin"(陰)and "embrace yang"(陽)"harmony" with each other. <classic.LaoTzu english>
★ ☆①(万物は陰を負いて陽を抱き沖気を以って和と為す)<古典・老子>
★ ☆②(すべての物事は陰と陽を身につけている。それは "喜んで受け入れ" "お互い支え合い" "調和" することにより、胃の気の脈(中脈)や "中庸(ちゅうよう)" が生まれる)
★ ☆③(この「中庸の力」によって「加減」「節度」が生じて "生命力" を高めることが出来ます)<in my opinion>
★ ☆① It is 「moderate efficacy」
★ ☆② And It's "energy control"
★91. ☆"Instead of following" the other person, we find it "interesting" that we are "different" from each other.
★ ☆(相手に従うのではなく、お互いに違うことを面白がる)
★ ☆① It's create energy and create power.
★ ☆② energy:エナジーとは ①(活力) ②(精力) ③(元気) ④(熱意) ⑤(行動力) ⑥(活動力) ⑦(力強さ) ⑧(そそる力) ⑨(働き)
★92. ☆Confucius though・classic「三略」(孔子の思想・古典「三略」)
★ ☆Control stiffness with flexibility.
★ ☆①The wonder of flexibility and the effect of resilience.
★ ☆It's "sence of touch" by "soft contact"
(それは "柔らかい当たり" の "感触" です)
★ ☆②Turn around, If you don't stick to the " strait attack " method there are " many " opprtunit.
★ ☆③We start with a "bow" and ends with "bow"
"bow":Japanese "beauty" can be found here too.
(日本の "美" はここにもありますね!)
"bow" の意味には ①弓(ゆみ);(弓型、アーチ状のもの、虹)=「rain bow」②お辞儀する ③一礼 ④会釈する ⑤敬う・敬意 ⑥頭を下げる ⑦腰をかがめる ⑧曲げる・しなる・たわむ ⑨船首・機首
☆④「礼は "美" なり」(Respect is "beauty")
"Respect" :(敬う)・(尊敬)・(重んじる)・(敬意)・(重視)・(尊重)・(大切にする)・(見つめること)・(再び・見ること)
★ ⑤☆ .About the "meaning" of "liver" and "kidneys" in oriental medecine.
(東洋医学に於いて "肝"(かん)と "腎"(じん)の意味について)
★ ☆① .The "liver" is the "general official", and the "liver" presides over the "eyes"
「肝は "将軍の官"、肝は "目" を主宰する。」(肝は "目" を司る)<古典・素問>
★ ☆ .The "liver" is it mean's "activity" by "yang blood"
("肝" は陽血(ようけつ)による "活動力" を意味します):(古典では "陽血" の活動力を示します)
★ ☆② .The "kidneys" is the "strong official", and this is where the skill comes in.
「腎は "作強"(さきょう)の官、"技巧"(ぎこう)ここに出(い)づ。」<古典・素問>
★ ☆ .The "kidneys" store energy and produce "strength"
(腎は "精" を貯蔵する、"強さ" をつくり出すもの)
★ ☆ .More over, a technique(技巧)that "skillfully" performed.
(さらに、技巧とは "巧みに" 行う技(わざ)です)
★ ☆ .When the "kidneys" become "more active", it is "energetically"
(腎の働きが "より活動的に" なると):(その効用は)
★ ☆ ."energetically" の意味は ①精力的に ②盛んに ③張り切って ④元気に ⑤活発に ⑥活動的に ⑦力強く ⑧きびきびとした動きに ⑨"作強" の意味は精力的に ⑩"肝腎要"(かんじんかなめ)とされ、最も重要なことに。
★ ☆③ The "liver" is the "shogun's" official, the "conspircy" :(plot)starts from here.
『肝は "将軍" の官、謀慮(ぼうりょ)出づ。』
★ ☆ .The "liver" has the "function" of thinking such as "planning", "means", and "methods"
(肝は "計画" "手段" "方法" などの思考する "働き" を持っている):(練る・巡らせる・計画を指す)
★ ☆ .The "liver" also has the "power" to "concentrate"
(肝は "集中・集結する力" も持っている)
★ ☆ .I believe that "liver energy" is "correlated" with "inspiration"
(肝は "インスピュレーション" と "相関性" があると考えます)
<my idea>
★ ☆ ."spirit", "inspiration" の意味には、「精神」「魂」「呼吸する」「肝(きも)」「生気」, inspiration:①呼吸 ②刺激となるもの ③鼓舞する ④感化 ⑤意気込み ⑥息を吹き込む ⑦動機 ⑧閃き:flash of inspiration.
★ ☆① .The "lungs" are the official organs,:an organs that "supports" function of the "heart"
★ ☆② .The "lungs" are organs that "supports" the "functions" of the "heart"
(肺は心の "機能" を "補助" する働きの器官です)
★ ☆③ .『The govermment is out,』the meaning of is "management" and "regulation"
(『治節(ちせつ)出づ。』の意味は "呼吸・発汗の管理" "気血の調節" という働きを指します)
★ ☆④ .The "lungs" have the funciton of "fighting" "spirit" and "generating vitality"
(肺は "気迫" "ファイト" "活力を生み出す" 働きがあります)
★ ☆⑤ .The "lungs" store energy : 《The systematic classic acupuncture》
★ ☆ . "supports" の意味には ①支える ②支持する ③補助する ④下支えすること ⑤援助する ⑥支援する
★ ☆⑥ .The "lungs" supports that "heart" and "sustain life"
(肺は心を支え "生命を維持する力" となっている)
★ ☆① .The "lungs" regulate "body temprerature" through "perspiration"
(肺は "発汗" による "体温調節" を行っています)
★ ☆② .The "lungs" have the function of "opening and closing" "pores"
(肺は "毛穴" の開閉の働きを持っています)
★ ☆③ .(古典では『腠理の開闔』(そうりのかいこう)といいます。)
『腠理』(そうり)とは、"皮膚のきめ" のことです。
この "皮膚のきめ" を「衛気」(えいき)の制御によって、"毛穴" や "汗" の正常な分泌をコントロールしたり、"体温" を維持しています。「腠理(そうり)」は、皮膚と筋肉の間隙(かんげき)を覆っている組織です。「肌理(きり)」とは、"皮膚のきめ" を指します。
★ ☆④ .The meaning of「開闔」"kaikou" is to "open and close" <heian period.(ancient language)>
(開闔(かいこう)の意味は "開くこと閉じること" です。)<平安時代・(古語)>
★ ☆⑤ .鍼術で「皮膚の艶やかな肌に改善することは、この「腠理(そうり)」が良好な状態を指します。
★ ☆⑥ ."Health" is "reflected" in the "glow" of your "skin" it's good "skin gloss"
("健康" は "肌" の艶(つや)に "現れ" ます)
(それは "皮膚" の艶が良好なことです)
★ ☆⑦ .『衛気』(えいき)は英語では "defence qi(気)"といいます。
"defence" の意味には ①防衛 ②防御 ③守備 ④守ること ⑤固めること ⑥臨床に於いて "筋性防御" :(muscular defence)など。
『衛気』(えいき)には "defence" の "気" の働きを持っています。
『Also, the "lungs" have a "protective" function』
★ ☆⑧ .《衛気》(eiki)has the "function" of "protecting" the "skin" and "body"
(《衛気》(eiki)は "皮膚" や "身体" を "守る" 働きがあります)"protecting" の意味には ①保護するもの ②守ること ③かばうこと
★ ☆⑨ .『虚すれば其の母を補い、実すれば其の子を瀉す』<古典・難経六十九難・補瀉について>
つまり、先の述べた「衛気」を高める治療法の時にも "活用" できる法則です。
:<This treatment method is "irreplaceable">
★ (この『古典』の "治療法則" は私にとって "かけがえのない" ものです)
★ ☆ .「傅(かしず)く」(古語) "かしずく" の意味は "仕える" "人を守る" "助ける" "大切にする"
★93. ☆When the back of the neck becomes "stiff" it puts pressure on the "vertebral ateries"
(首の後ろが固く凝る-首のこり-と "椎骨動脈" を圧迫する)
☆①Therefore, that "oxygen" is carrid to the "brain" through a "system of artery"
(従って、血中酸素は "動脈系" を通じて "脳" に運ばれる)
★94. ☆The human "brain" has the power to make it possible if you "strongly desira" it.
☆①For example, it is just thinking about it makes me "feel good"
★95.☆Aesthetics of "gaps" or "space"

☆①Create a "clue" to the next step.
(次への "糸口"(手がかり・きっかけ)をつくる)
☆②This "gap" has the "effect" of creating a "clue" to the next step.
☆③By leaving a "gap" somewhere, we create a possibility, a "clue", for a to be born.
(どこかに隙間を残して、なにかが生ませる可能性 "糸口" をつくる)
☆④Bet on a single point of brilliance.
☆⑤You should concentrate on one point of brilliance.
★96.☆The effectiveness of “gaps”
☆①This “gaps” has the “effectiveness” of creating a “clue” to the next step.
(この隙間は次への ”糸口” “手がかり” をつくる “効果的な力” となる )
☆②You should concentrate on one “faint” point of brilliance.
(”ぼんやりした” 一点の輝きに集中(専念)すべし)
☆③ “It's margin”(余白)・(端・はし)・(縁・へり・ふち)・(最初)・(余裕)・(余地)・(間・ま・space)・(虚・きょ)
☆④ By this, "interesting" to think that "margin" has the effect of leading to "rejoce"
(これによって、この "余白" "余地" が共に "喜び" に導かれる効用がある考え方は "興味深い")
★97.☆In addition, the human body is also able to "function" because of this "gaps"
(加えて、人間の身体もこの "隙間" があることにより "活動" できる)
★98.☆Affirmation is the "strongest"
(肯定することは "最強")
☆①It's "skillfull person"
(それは "巧者")
★99.☆Bring "functionality" to the "beauty" of the "body"
(身体の "美" の中に "機能性" を持たせる)
☆①Also, beautiful things "demonstrate" "functionality"
(また、美しいものが "機能性" を "発揮" する)
☆②Acupuncture is also effective in "increasing" "functionality"
(鍼治療は "機能性" を "高める" ことにも効能がある)
★100.☆It's "interesting" to use each step as a "stepping stone" and "move up"
(1つ1つ "踏み石" にして "上がって" いくのが "面白い")
"step by step ・enjoy able"
☆.To "rejoice" in the step.