Joukei Tsunogai, JAPAN
I will talk about the effects, efficacy, actions, ideas, etc. in the English version.
Pulse diagnosis(脈診)is one of the important diagnuses in Ulvader medicine.(アーユルヴェーダー医学)
Ulvader medicine(アーユルヴェーダー医学)in oldest traditional medicine in the world.(世界最古の伝承医学)
Chinese medicine(中国医学)conbines(結合させた)acupoints(ツボの点)and meridians.(経絡・線)
In other word it is the effect(効果)of the combination of point(点)and lines.(線)by fusing this great idea.(この融合させた・調和は偉大な発想)
Humans(人間)get good results(結果)when they work(働いて)in the sub-consius.(潜在意識)
For that it is important to relax and breathing.(呼吸)To control(調整すること)and breathe out.(息を吐くこと)
Just pay attention to your breathing and breath.(ただ、呼吸に注意を向けて、呼吸して下さい)
Meditation(瞑想)enhances the energy of the mind.(心のエネルギーを高める)
It is important for people to taste(味わう)appreciate(享受・受け入れ、味わう)the energy.(エネルギー・エナジー)
Also, it is important to taste(味わう・感覚)appreicate(享受・受け入れ、楽しむ)it in order to rejuvanate(若返られる、活力を取り戻させる)your brain.(脳)
Be aware of the feeling of tasting everything.
Peaple defend(防衛)when they have anxiety(不安・心配)in their hearts.
Pulse diagnosis(脈診)is a diagnosis on a sensation(感覚・知覚)of primitive(素朴な・基本の)fingertip.(指先・指端)
☆➀.This "Pulse diagnosis" is an "ancient" "diagnostics" method.
(この脈診は "古来" からの診断方法です)
☆②.Chinese medecine is an "indispensable" "diagnosis".
(漢方 "独自" の診断には "欠くことのできない" 手法です)
☆③.Please 『find someting』 "interesting" about "Pulse diagnosis".
(脈診は面白い、おもしろいことを "見つけて" ください。)
The ideas(思想)that form the basis(根幹)of chinese medicine(中国医学)are yin(陰)and yang.(陽)
It is method(方法・方式)to cure(治す)the disease(=病気)be enhancing(高める・増す)the natural healing power(自然治癒力・回復力)and vitality(生命力)of the body by harmonizing(調和させて・協調させる)this yin and yang.
Harmonizing this yin(陰)and yang(陽)is the most(最も)important treatment(治療)method.
☆ .Actually, this was "drilled" in to me by "master" when I was an "apprentice"
(実は、この考え方は "見習い" "弟子" の時代に "師匠" から"叩き込まれ" ました
I consider(よく考える・考察する)this yin(陰気)and yang(陽気)to be energy.(Positive energy and negative energy)(私はこの陰気と陽気はエナジーと考えます)(ポジティブエナジーとネガティブエナジー)
Harmonizing this energy is the primary goal.(第一の目標・第一の主要な)
Acupuncture(鍼治療)has the effect(効果)of superiorty(優位)para-sympathetic nerves.(副交感神経)
Brings(もたらす・導く)(持ってくる)the yang(陽気)to the yin.(陰気)There is an idea to bring the yang to yin.(陽から陰へ)
This idea(考え方・発想)is great idea.(素晴らしい発想)
It is most essential(重要な・必要な)for me to apply(応用する・利用する)this idea to the treatment method.
A world of harmony and a world of bring.(調和の世界)(もたらす世界)
The way of thinking in Eastern Philosophy.
Everything has two sides.(二面性)(すべての物事は二面性がある)For example, the yin(陰)and yang(陽)of Eastern thought.(東洋思想)
Yin(陰)is activated(活動する・活性化する)by bring the yang.(陽)
Harmonize these two contradictory(相反する・正反対の)works to bring out the inner power.(内なる力)of the body.
☆➀."Harmony" of Yin(陰)and Yang(陽)。
☆②.The "Harmonious Power" of Yin and Yang
☆③.Harmony means being in "good harmony" with eath other.
(調和とは、お互いが "ほどよく存在し" "和合"(バランスが取れ)している)
☆④.In other words, Yin and Yang were in harmony.
This idea is very interesting.
Great hint(大いなるヒント・手がかり)when thinking about illness.(病気)
Immune aging(免疫の老化)is gret hint.(手がかり)
In the coming ear, hints of immune aging will be requires.(必要とする)
An approach to immune aging is need.
Immunity can be enhanced by improving(向上・改善)the blood flow in the capillaries.(毛細血管)
Acupuncture(鍼術)enhanced the circulation(循環)of capillaris.
The key to good health lies in the capillares.
Immunity is boosted by increasing the circulation of capillaries with acupuncture(鍼治療)
Rejuvenation(若返り・元気回復)of capillaries improves immunity.
Specifically(具体的には)it is important to improve the circulation of capillaries.On the surface of the skin.
Acupuncture(鍼治療・A tschnipue that targetes the「skin」without insert.(刺さないで「皮膚」を治療目標にする手法)(鍼を打たない・Do not hit needle)Acupuncture is an effective techniques.(鍼術は有効な手法です)
The therapeutic(治療上の)goal is the skin.
Circulation of capillaries on the surface of the skin.
Circular acupuncture is performed on the surface of this skin.
"To rub" and "stroke" your back with "circular" acupuncture.
(この"円鍼" で背中を擦る(さする・こする)円鍼術を行います)
① The meaning of the "stroke" here means the "to rurb" "to stroke"
(ここでの stroke は "擦る" "撫(な)でる" を意味します)
strokeには:①(打つこと)一撃、脳卒中(中風・ちゅうふう)(中・あたる・漢方的)脈拍 ②反復運動(動き)③撫でること(表面上でそっと手を動かす動作・何度も繰り返し撫でる "摩擦する" "短い線;ひとかき、押し付ける" 意味があります。)
「stroke of luck:思いがけない幸運・巡り合わせ」
「stroke of genius:天才的・閃き」
② Circular (Round) acupuncture is an "effective" technique for the "qi deficiency" and "blood deficiency"
(この "円鍼" は "気虚" や "血虚" に"有効" な手法です)
③ Circular acupuncture "needles" are interesting!
Acupuncture treatment of pain(痛み)or disease(病気)by inserting(差し込む・入れる)the tip of needles at specific(特効のある)point on the skin.(皮膚)
Acupuncture promoted circulation.(鍼治療は循環を促進します)
Use traditional acupuncture to regulate(整える) the「flow of energy」
I interpret medicin(解釈する)and treat oriental medicine domestic medicine. and it is medicine to harmonize.
Harmonize mind and body.
For example, To grow while making mistakes it is important to be「cherful」「fun」and 「positive」
Harmony is when to energy collided(ぶつかる・衝突する)and harmonise.(調和させる)
This idea is seclet treasure.
Displin is key to success.
Let's become ourselves aiming(狙いつける)for heighte.
Awareness to overcome is important.
Be optimistic and active.
In oriental medicine they are called「meridians」(経絡)(けいらく)and 「acupuncture point」(経穴)(けいけつ)
Meridians is meridian.(経線・子午線)It means the meridian of the earth.
Oriental medicine considers(考察する)meridian to be a passage(通路・通過する)throgh which 気(qi)energy flows.
We believe that ideal flow of 気(qi)and blood(血)(けつ)during the merideans is healthy.
In order to generate ideas, the hint is to learn well and play well.
There are hints of ideas in interesting places.
There fore, it is inportant to do everything that is interesting.
From now on「Design thinking」is inportant.
Acupuncture has the effect of in crasing capillary circulation and rejuvenation the body.
Acupuncture has the effect of improving capillary circulation and energizing the body.
Pulse diagnosis in chinese medicine examines vitality.
The effect of acupuncture is cerebral circulation and function.
Acupuncture is an important way connects dots.
A passage(meridians)is created by connecting dots.
In life as will, the idea of『connecting the dots』an important idea.
Also,『The point will eventually become lines, and the will eventually become faces』
This idea is also in interesting.
There is nothing wasted.
It is important that a line, is born from a point and(intersect)that line.
It's an encounter, an encounter is important in life.
Human are expression of joy.
It is important to keep it interesting.
☆ .In other words, you just have to keep it interesting and "develop" it.
(つまり、いつまでも面白がって "展開" すればいい)
Acupuncture works for pain in the shoulder area.
Acupuncture works for pain in the lower back area.
It’s acupuncture has a technique to remove inflammation.
This is most important idea of acupuncture.
There is happy medium in everything.
It is a quesion of finding happy medium.
All things are in a state of flux.
If it turns to the cathode, it will turn positive.
(陰 極まれば 陽に転ず)(陽 極まれば 陰に転ず)
We have two elements Yin and Yang.
Interest, interset and fun are energy.
Interest and fun are trasures for important keyword in life and research.
This feeling is also important in clinical resarch on pulse diagnosis acupuncture.
Life is fumbling.
Pulse diagnosis acupuncture is also a fumbling state clinical study.
"Imaginative" is "wonderful"
☆( "想像力豊かな" って "素敵"です)☆
① It’s interesting the ideas you can "create" if you can "imagine" it.
(imagine:"想像する" "心に描く" "思い浮かべる" が出来れば、それは "創造"(形成)できる考え方は面白い)
② It’s the "effectiveness" of the human "five senses" and "brain"
(人間の "五感" や "脳" の "効能" ですね)
Aim for one chance.
☆ In short, don't miss any "chance" no matter how small.
(要するに、どんな小さな "チャンス" も逃さない);
"意識する":be conscious.
"機会を待つ":wait for the opportunity.
Don’t forget your original intention.
He who would climb the ladder must begin at the botton.
Obsession for victory.
I have been obsessed with the pulse and researched acupuncture.
This strong commitment(obsession)is great energy.
The importance of information.
The art of war, by Sun Tzus.
If you know your enemy and you know yourself, there is no danger of a hundred battles.
(敵を知り己を知れば百戦危うからず)<孫子・孫武> (人学ばざるは道を知らず)<礼記・孔子>
In the human "chest" "宗気"(soke) is "gatered"
(人間の "胸" には "宗気"(そうき)気エナジーが "集まって" います)
① This "宗気"(soke) "ganerated" from "breathing", "eating", and "drinking" "sleeping" <my an idea>
(この "宗気"(そうき)は ①"呼吸"と、②"飲食"、③"睡眠"から、この"気"エナジーが "生成" (生み出す)されます)<my an idea>
☆ It's "generated" "essential" power.
(それは "生成" された "きわめて重要な" 精気エナジーです)
② This "宗気" is also "involved" in the "functioning" of th「heart and lungs」
(また、この "宗気" は主に「心と肺」の働きに "関与"(関係)します)
☆ There fore, it has the "effect" of "breathing" and "circulating"「blood」through out the body.
(従って、"呼吸" を行ったり、「血」を身体中、 "巡らす" "効能" があります)
③ There is "correlation" of "宗気"(soke) and "aspiration" <my an idea>
(この "宗気" 気エナジーと "aspiration" の意味に "相関性" があります」)<私のアイディアです>
☆ aspirationには:①(覇気・意気込み)②(熱望・願望)③(呼吸・息を吐くこと・息を吸うこと)④(魂に息を吹き込む・息吹・いぶき)⑤(いき・吹く・生気や活力のあること)⑥(理想・志)⑦(夢・希望)⑧(大志・憧れ・向上心)
④ "宗気"(soke) "hates"「cold」and "prefers"「warm」things.
("宗気" 気エナジーは「冷え」を"嫌い"「温かい」ものを"好む")
Coexistence with nature is important for helth.
This is becourse the body is one with nature.
Acupuncture is about strengthening the vital energy flow of nature.
“気の流れ” を英語で表現しますと vitel energy flow or flow of energy と言います。つまり “生命” のエネルギーの流れとなります。
This expression is very interesting:English
Health and vitality are important for life.
The secret of polse diagnosis acupuncture.
When i "receive" acupuncture thoughts "arise"
(鍼を "とると" 思いが "生じる")
①☆This idea was born during the "ancient Sengoku" period.
(この考え方は "古代戦国時代" に生まれた)
②☆Take "advantage" of somebody's "unpreparedness"
("虚を衝く"、"不意を突く")(不備、不用意、油断、隙間を"活用する"こと。つまり、"虚(きょ)をつく" "不意打ち":by suprise attack)
「Taking the "senses" by "suprise"」:(意識の"虚"をつく)
③☆For example, in jiu_jitsu, he quickly setup a technique at the "grapping point", and was caught in the cross fire.
(例えば、柔術で "組みぎわ" で素早く技を仕掛けてきた)
④☆The "techniques" was perfect! that's the "benefit" of "unpreparedness":(虚をつく)
(見事に "技(わざ)" が決まった! "虚をつく" ことによっての "効用" ですね)
☆In short, she carried out the "surprise attack" operation without any "hesitation"
(要するに、"奇襲"(高速の・技・わざ)を "平気" で行った!)
⑤☆The idea of "deficiency" oriental medicine.
(東洋医学に於ける "虚(きょ)" "不足、欠乏、不完全" の考え方)
⑥☆To "reinforcing" for the "deficiency":(補法・生命力の強化)
☆First, give top "priority" to making up for the "deficiency" :(不足・虚)
(まず、"虚" を補うことを "最優先" に行うこと)
⑦☆It's "sence of touch" the "deficiency pulse"
(それは "虚脈" の "感触" です)
⑧☆つまり "気虚" :qi deficiency または "血虚" :blood deficiency といいます。
Laughter is source of good health.
☆You don’t laugh becouse you’re happy.
☆You’re happy becouse you laugh.
(Alain):Emile-Auguste chartier.
The utility of distraction and interesting.
Distraction and interesting are treasures of life.
The treasur of life is the determination.
(人生の宝は ”決意” をすることです)
And the first step is to take the first step.
Also, it is important to “Rejoice” in the that first step.
(さらに、その第一歩を ”歓喜” (大いに喜ぶ)することが 大事です)
At this time, it is important to push out freely and brightly.
If you are impressed the world in fun.
Everything depends on whethere it is fun or not.
Impression is a treasure of life : < be impressed > < It’s energy >
In oriental medicin “deficiency” and “excess” most important things.
(東洋医学では ”虚” と ”実” を最も大切に考えます)
The important things in Eastern thought is the “margin”
(東洋思想で大事なことは、それは ”余白” です)
Deficiency means incompleteness or insufficiency.
☆➀. 虚(きょ):(deficiency)の意味には、➀不足 ②不完全 ③欠乏 ④不備 ⑤不十分 ⑥欠損 ⑦欠如 ⑧軟弱 ⑨凹み ⑩気血の虚 ⑪精気の不足 ⑫機能不全 ⑬不完全な ⑭未完成な、などがあります。
☆②. In oriental medicine it is to "reinforcing" for the "deficiency".
(東洋医学では、それは虚に対して "補法" 生命力の強化を行います)
☆③. There is "virtues" in "both", both "deficiency" and "excess".
(虚(きょ)にも実(じつ)にも "両方" に「美点」、「長所」、「価値」があります。)
☆④. There is beauty "hidden" within the "deficiency".
(虚の内側に "美点" を "秘めている")
hidden meaning:隠(さ)れた意味。つまり、虚の内側に「美点」が隠されている。
Eastern thought:find beauty in the “deficiency”.
The idea that there is beauty in the “deficiency” is interesting.
It is also interesting to think that this “margin” has the effect of leading to Rejoice.
The meaning of constellation is “constellation” “arrangement” “entrustment”and “gathering”
The idea that the whol thing can be seen by “entrusting” it is interesting.
(”委ねる”ことによって全体が見えて来るという 考え方は興味深いですね)
Acupuncture is effective for neck pain and inflammation.
The neck is closely related to the circulation of the brain and face.
(首は ”脳” や ”顔” の循環と深く関係しています)
Acupuncture can increase brood flow in the brain.
(鍼術は ”脳” の血流を高めることができます)
Acupuncture is effective for neck pain and inflamation.
The “sterno cleido mastid : muscle” on the side of the neck is associated with a “beautiful” neck and face.
(首の横の ”胸鎖乳突筋” が美しい首や顔に関係しています)
Also, The “sterno cleido mastid : muscle ” is effective for shoulder pain and shallow breathing.
Acupuncture is effective for shoulder pain and inflamation.
The neck is closely related to the circulation of the brain and face.
(首は ”脳” や ”顔” の循環と深く関係しています)
Acupuncture can increase brood flow in the brain.
(鍼術は “脳” の血流を高める事ができます)
The “trapezius” muscle is just above the shoulder.
(”僧帽筋” は肩の真上にある筋肉です): 『僧帽筋の名の由来は修道士がかぶる台形のフード』
It is important to get rid of this muscle “over strain”
(この筋肉の ”過緊張” を取ることが大事です)
In addition, it is important to enhance the “capillary circulation” of this muscle by acupuncture.
(また、この筋肉の ”毛細血管循環”を高める事が大事です)
The meaning of “lumbago” is lower back pain.
「iliopsas muscle」(This muscle is an important muscle that “connects” the upper and lower body)
「腸陽筋」(ちょうようきん)(この筋肉は上半身と下半身を ”つなぐ” 大事な筋肉です)
☆➀. The "gluteus maximus muscle" is made up of the "three layers".
("大臀筋(だいでんきん)" は "三層" から成っています)
☆②. ➀「大臀筋」(だいでんきん):gluteus maximus. ②「中臀筋」(ちゅうでんきん):gluteus medius. ③「小臀筋」(しょうでんきん):gluteus minmus.
☆③.The "Achlles tendon" and "gluteus maximus" are important for walking, running and jumping.
("アキレス腱" と "大臀筋" は歩く、走る、ジャンプするのに重要です)
“The target in acupuncture is this muscle”
“A beautiful posture comes from this muscle”
Pulse diagnosis can diagnosis “resilience”
Also, Pulse diagnosis can diagnosis the “vitality”that in the body.
(また、脈診は身体の内側に持っている ”vitality”生命力、活気、生気エネルギーを診ることができます)
Vitality is born from supple pulse.
Place your finger on “radius artery” of your wrist for examination.
(手首の ”橈骨動脈” に指を当てて診察します)
Check the “pulse” in the ”radius artery”( ”橈骨動脈” の ”脈” を診ます)or , check the pulse in the “carotid artery”(又は、”頸動脈” の脈を診ます)
Pulse diagnosis is a sensation of “primtive”finger tip.
(脈診は ”素朴” な指先の感覚による診断です)
☆➀. "Pulse diagnosis" is a diagnosis "based" on the "sanses" that huomans have "refined" through their fingertip.
("脈診" は人間の "磨き上げた" 指先 "感覚" の診断です)
☆②. In order to "acquire" this "sense" of pulse diagnosis "practice" is important.
(この "脈診" の "感覚" を "身につける" ためには "実践" が大切です)
☆③. "Pulse diagnosis" is a very "Profound" subject.
(脈診の診断はとてっも "奥床しい" ものです)
That oxygen is carrid to the “brain” through a system of “artery”
(血中酸素は “動脈” 系を通じて ”脳” に運ばれます)
「carotid artery」supply the fromt of the “brain”and 「vertebral arteris」”supply” the back.
「頸動脈」は ”脳” の前部に、「椎骨動脈」は ”脳”の後部に血液を ”供給” しています。
It is important to take dare of the “inside” and “outside” of the “blood vessel”
It is important to increase the power to “return”from the “legs” to the “heart”
It improve “systemic” blood flow by increasing「venous return」
(それは「静脈還流量」を高めることで ”全身の”血流が良くなります)
It’s interest “venoue return”(ヴィーナス・リターン)
Calf muscle(ふくらはぎの筋肉):cramp in the “ hamstring ”(ふくらはぎの筋肉がつった)
The “calf muscle” has the action of “foward force”and “jupping force”
(ふくらはぎの筋肉は ”前進力” や ”ジャンプする力”の作用(働き)があります)
It’s grate “calf muscle” The target in acupuncture is capillary circulation of this muscle.
The “Meridians” that “dominate” the face.
(顔を “支配” している ”経絡(けいらく)”)
①Around the “mouth” is a “stomach meridian”
(口の周囲は ”胃経絡” です)
②The outside of the “nose” is the “large intestin”
(鼻の外側は ”大腸経絡” です)
③The “check”of the “lung meridian”
(ほっぺえ・頬は ”肺経絡” です)
④The “forehead” of the “heart meridian”
(おでこ・額は ”心経絡” です)
⑤The “throat” of the “kidney meridian”
(喉や首は ”腎経絡” です)
☆Controlling the “spirit”.
(督脈は ”気” を支配、制御する)古典・(気の海)
☆Controlling the “blood”.
(妊脈は ”血” を支配、制御する)古典・(血の海)
① If has effect of controlling the various“yang-energy”
② If has effect of controlling the various“yin-energy”
①自律神経系:Autonomic nervous system.
②交感神経 :Sympathetic nerve.
③副交感神経:Parasympathetic nerve.
Acupuncture is an “effective” technique for the“autonomic nervous system”
(鍼術は ”自律神経系” に ”有効” な手法です)
“Moderateness” is important in acupuncture treatment.
(鍼術に於いて大事なことは ”程(ほど)よさ” です)
That is most important ”moderate adjustment”and “It feels moderate”
(それは ”程よい加減” と ”ちょうどいい感じ” です)
This idea is a “treasure” of acupuncture.
(この考え方は鍼治療の ”宝” です)
Technically it is called “dose”
☆It great moderate(adjustment)
Reinforcing and Reducing manipulation of acupuncture therapy.
Reinforcing and Reducing method by respiration.
Reinforcing and Reducing method by keeping hole or closed.
☆”Revitalize treatment” that stimulats(気・Qi) the “organs” or the “meridians”
☆It is an excellent technipue of traditional  medicine.
☆随証療法 (ずいしょうりょうほう)
:Proof therapy<証拠・証明・兆候>
The“proof ”(proof therapy)is the ”treatment policy”in oriental medicine.
Technicaly it is called “proof therapy”
☆For example, You can “regain” the “brillance”by taking the steps you should take.
☆Therapy in “accordanc” with the oriental medical “syndromes”
(随証療法とは ”証に従って治療が一致する”の意味です)<証に随って治療する>)
☆Shoulder stiffness:Symptom of shoulder stiffness.
☆Neck stiffness :feel “stiff” around the neck.
(首すじがかたく”凝って” 曲がりにくい)
If you use your eyes too much, your neck and shoulders stiff.
☆capillary circulation is “associated” with muscle “stiffness” and stiff.
☆Acupuncture has an excellent function of promoting capillary circulation.
☆If you raise your sense you will know the value.
☆I believe that human brain can exert "tremendous" if it is serius.
☆Utilize techniques(技・わざ)for yourself and others.
("技"(わざ) を "活用" することは自分も活かし相手も活かす)
☆➀. Utilize thchniques:In othere words. by "making use" of "techniques" (技・わざ)you make and others.
(技を "活用" することは:つまり、技(わざ)を "活かし"  自分も相手も活かす)
「ものごとを上手に処理する力量、巧み。」それは  "技巧" (ぎこう)
☆Turn around, think of "techniques" "as tools" and use them "actively"
(転じて、"技"(わざ)は "道具の如し" と考え、その技(わざ)を "積極的に" 使うことです)
☆There is a king in continuing to affirm.
☆In other words, there things will「find the beauty」of the deficiency.
☆①The skin has "wisdom"
☆Further more, the skin has "intelligence"
☆②I believe the skin has another brain "function"
☆③Therefore, there is a "clos-connection" between the skin and brain. I think.
☆④The skin can be considered the second brain.
☆⑤The skin "correlated" with the "lung" and "largeintestin"
☆⑥When it comes to "glossy skin" "energy" comes out.
☆⑦Skin is mysterious.
☆And also, It has a lot of "Potential"
(そしてまた、沢山の "潜在能力" を持っている)
☆⑧This "Power of intelligence" is important for interesting and having fun.
(面白がったり、楽しむためには、この "知性の力" が大切となります)
☆⑨Intelligence:refers to human「cognitive abilities」including "sensory percepion"
(知性は:"感覚的な知覚作用" を含めた人間の「認識能力」を指します)
☆In addition to:the ability to (know)(知る).(think)(考える).and(judge)(判断)things.(物事を)
☆⑩More over "Sensory and Perceptual action" are also very important.
(加えて "感覚的な知覚作用" もとても重要です)
☆①I am "impressed" by the "greatness" of human "perception"
(私は人間の "知覚" の "偉大さ" に "感銘" しています)
Perceptionには:①"知覚"(感覚器官を通してとらえる働き) ②"感知"(認める行為) ③"認識"(見分け、判断する) ④"会得"(Understand it well, make it your own) ⑤"勘"("直感で" By intuition "知覚"する "To perception") ⑥"五感" (Five senses)による"気付くこと" "知ること"("Notice through" the "five senses");("to know" )("to sense")
☆②It is "extremely" to "create" a "sense of distsnce" thorough the "five senses"
("五感" によって完璧な "距離感" を "作る" ことは極めて重要です。)
☆In addition, it is important to do "aware" of this "sense of distance" and perform "high-speed techniques"
(この"距離感" を "認識(意識)して" 高速の技(わざ) を繰り返すことが大切なポイントです)
☆⑪"Imagination" is stronger than "Consciusness"
("想像" は "意識" より強い)
☆People gain confidence when they "see" and "touch" the "real thing"
(人間は "本物" を"見たり" "触れたり" すると自信がでる)
☆Additionally, i feel how important it is to be "authentic" and "particular"
(さらに、"本物" に "こだわる" ことが如何に大切かを感じます)
☆ "authentic" :の意味には ①"本物の" ②"王道の" ③"確かな" ④"信頼のおける" ⑤"正真正銘の" ⑥"実際の" ⑦"正統の" ⑧"れっきとした" ⑨"伝統的な"
☆About this:be impressed・impression・excitement・deepemotion
☆Don’t raise "blood sugar" too quicly.
Eat the "Vegetables" first.
(それは、最初に "野菜" を食べる)
☆①.Additionally,i think about "sleep"
☆②.Sleeping "clears" your head.
(睡眠を取ると頭が "スッキリ" する)
☆③.In other words, it "becomes the energy" "generated by the brain"
(つまり、この睡眠は "脳の生み出す" エナジーとなる)
☆④So, be sures to "get some sleep"
☆The concept of connecting "dot’s" to from a "surface"
(点と点が繋がって "面" となる考え方)
The meaning of the "face" here means the "result"
(ここでの "面" の意味は "結果" や "成果" を意味します)
☆A treasure of oriental thought.
☆①When yin(陰)reaches it’s peak, it will begin to transform in to yang(陽)
(陰極まれば、陽になる):It energy flows. flow of energy.(エナジーは流動する).(気の流れ).energy flow .(生命力の流れ)
☆②The yin(陰)energy is activated by "bring" the yang(陽)energy.
☆③The idea that all things have "two sides"
(また、すべての物事は "二面性" からなるという考え方です)
☆As an example, the yin (陰)and yang(陽)of eastern thought.
☆All things "bear yin"(陰)and "embrace yang"(陽)"harmony" with each other. <classic.LaoTzu english>
☆②(すべての物事は陰と陽を身につけている。それは "喜んで受け入れ" "お互い支え合い" "調和" することにより、胃の気の脈(中脈)や "中庸(ちゅうよう)" が生まれる)
☆③(この「中庸の力」によって「加減」「節度」が生じて "生命力" を高めることが出来ます)<in my opinion>
☆① It is 「moderate efficacy」
☆② And It's "energy control"
☆"Instead of following" the other person, we find it "interesting" that we are "different" from each other.
☆① It's create energy and create power.
☆② energy:エナジーとは ①(活力) ②(精力) ③(元気) ④(熱意) ⑤(行動力) ⑥(活動力) ⑦(力強さ) ⑧(そそる力) ⑨(働き)
☆Confucius though・classic「三略」(孔子の思想・古典「三略」)
☆Control stiffness with flexibility.
☆①The wonder of flexibility and the effect of resilience.
☆It's "sence of touch" by "soft contact"
(それは "柔らかい当たり" の "感触" です)
☆②Turn around, If you don't stick to the " strait attack " method there are " many " opprtunit.
☆③We start with a "bow" and ends with "bow"
"bow":Japanese "beauty" can be found here too.
(日本の "美" はここにもありますね!)
"bow" の意味には ①弓(ゆみ);(弓型、アーチ状のもの、虹)=「rain bow」②お辞儀する ③一礼 ④会釈する ⑤敬う・敬意 ⑥頭を下げる ⑦腰をかがめる ⑧曲げる・しなる・たわむ ⑨船首・機首
☆④「礼は "美" なり」(Respect is "beauty")
"Respect" :(敬う)・(尊敬)・(重んじる)・(敬意)・(重視)・(尊重)・(大切にする)・(見つめること)・(再び・見ること)
⑤☆ .About the "meaning" of "liver" and "kidneys" in oriental medecine.
(東洋医学に於いて "肝"(かん)と "腎"(じん)の意味について)
☆① .The "liver" is the "general official", and the "liver" presides over the "eyes"
「肝は "将軍の官"、肝は "目" を主宰する。」(肝は "目" を司る)<古典・素問>
☆ .The "liver" is it mean's "activity" by "yang blood"
("肝" は陽血(ようけつ)による "活動力" を意味します):(古典では "陽血" の活動力を示します)
☆② .The "kidneys" is the "strong official", and this is where the skill comes in.
「腎は "作強"(さきょう)の官、"技巧"(ぎこう)ここに出(い)づ。」<古典・素問>
☆ .The "kidneys" store energy and produce "strength"
(腎は "精" を貯蔵する、"強さ" をつくり出すもの)
☆ .More over, a technique(技巧)that "skillfully" performed.
(さらに、技巧とは "巧みに" 行う技(わざ)です)
☆ .When the "kidneys" become "more active", it is "energetically"
(腎の働きが "より活動的に" なると):(その効用は)
☆ ."energetically" の意味は ①精力的に ②盛んに ③張り切って ④元気に ⑤活発に ⑥活動的に ⑦力強く ⑧きびきびとした動きに ⑨"作強" の意味は精力的に ⑩"肝腎要"(かんじんかなめ)とされ、最も重要なことに。
☆③ The "liver" is the "shogun's" official, the "conspircy" :(plot)starts from here.
『肝は "将軍" の官、謀慮(ぼうりょ)出づ。』
☆ .The "liver" has the "function" of thinkimg such as "planning", "means", and "methods"
(肝は "計画" "手段" "方法" などの思考する "働き" を持っている):(練る・巡らせる・計画を指す)
☆ .The "liver" also has the "power" to "concentrate"
(肝は "集中・集結する力" も持っている)
☆ .I believe that "liver energy" is "correlated" with "inspiration"
(肝は "インスピュレーション" と "相関性" があると考えます)
<my idea>
☆ ."spirit", "inspiration" の意味には、「精神」「魂」「呼吸する」「肝(きも)」「生気」, inspiration:①呼吸 ②刺激となるもの ③鼓舞する ④感化 ⑤意気込み ⑥息を吹き込む ⑦動機 ⑧閃き:flash of inspiration.
☆① .The "lungs" are the official organs,:an organs that "supports" function of the "heart"
☆② .The "lungs" are organs that "supports" the "functions" of the "heart"
(肺は心の "機能" を "補助" する働きの器官です)
☆③ .『The govermment is out,』the meaning of is "management" and "regulation"
(『治節(ちせつ)出づ。』の意味は "呼吸・発汗の管理" "気血の調節" という働きを指します)
☆④ .The "lungs" have the funciton of "fighting" "spirit" and "generating vitality"
(肺は "気迫" "ファイト" "活力を生み出す" 働きがあります)
☆⑤ .The "lungs" store energy : 《The systematic classic acupuncture》
☆ . "supports" の意味には ①支える ②支持する ③補助する ④下支えすること ⑤援助する ⑥支援する
☆⑥ .The "lungs" supports that "heart" and "sustain life"
(肺は心を支え "生命を維持する力" となっている)
☆① .The "lungs" regulate "body temprerature" through "perspiration"
(肺は "発汗" による "体温調節" を行っています)
☆② .The "lungs" have the function of "opening and closing" "pores"
(肺は "毛穴" の開閉の働きを持っています)
☆③ .(古典では『腠理の開闔』(そうりのかいこう)といいます。)
『腠理』(そうり)とは、"皮膚のきめ" のことです。
この "皮膚のきめ" を「衛気」(えいき)の制御によって、"毛穴" や "汗" の正常な分泌をコントロールしたり、"体温" を維持しています。「腠理(そうり)」は、皮膚と筋肉の間隙(かんげき)を覆っている組織です。「肌理(きり)」とは、"皮膚のきめ" を指します。
☆④ .The meaning of「開闔」"kaikou" is to "open and close" <heian period.(ancient language)>
(開闔(かいこう)の意味は "開くこと閉じること" です。)<平安時代・(古語)>
☆⑤ .鍼術で「皮膚の艶やかな肌に改善することは、この「腠理(そうり)」が良好な状態を指します。
☆⑥ ."Health" is "reflected" in the "glow" of your "skin" it's good "skin gloss"
("健康" は "肌" の艶(つや)に "現れ" ます)
(それは "皮膚" の艶が良好なことです)
☆⑦ .『衛気』(えいき)は英語では "defence qi(気)"といいます。
"defence" の意味には ①防衛 ②防御 ③守備 ④守ること ⑤固めること ⑥臨床に於いて "筋性防御" :(muscular defence)など。
『衛気』(えいき)には "defence" の "気" の働きを持っています。
『Also, the "lungs" have a "protective" function』
☆⑧ .《衛気》(eiki)has the "function" of "protecting" the "skin" and "body"
(《衛気》(eiki)は "皮膚" や "身体" を "守る" 働きがあります)
"protecting" の意味には ①保護するもの ②守ること ③かばうこと
☆⑨ .『虚すれば其の母を補い、実すれば其の子を瀉す』<古典・難経六十九難・補瀉について>
つまり、先の述べた「衛気」を高める治療法の時にも "活用" できる法則です。
:<This treatment method is "irreplaceable">
(この『古典』の "治療法則" は私にとって "かけがえのない" ものです)
☆ .「傅(かしず)く」(古語) "かしずく" の意味は "仕える" "人を守る" "助ける" "大切にする"
☆When the back of the neck becomes "stiff" it puts pressure on the "vertebral ateries"
(首の後ろが固く凝る-首のこり-と "椎骨動脈" を圧迫する)
☆①Therefore, that "oxygen" is carrid to the "brain" through a "system of artery"
(従って、血中酸素は "動脈系" を通じて "脳" に運ばれる)
☆The human "brain" has the power to make it possible if you "strongly desira" it.
☆①For example, it is just thinking about it makes me "feel good"
☆Aesthetics of "gaps" or "space"
☆①Create a "clue" to the next step.
(次への "糸口"(手がかり・きっかけ)をつくる)
☆②This "gap" has the "effect" of creating a "clue" to the next step.
☆③By leaving a "gap" somewhere, we create a possibility, a "clue", for a to be born.
(どこかに隙間を残して、なにかが生ませる可能性 "糸口" をつくる)
☆④Bet on a single point of brilliance.
☆⑤You should concentrate on one point of brilliance.
☆The effectiveness of “gaps”
☆①This “gaps” has the “effectiveness” of creating a “clue” to the next step.
(この隙間は次への ”糸口” “手がかり” をつくる  “効果的な力” となる )
☆②You should concentrate on one “faint” point of brilliance.
(”ぼんやりした” 一点の輝きに集中(専念)すべし)
☆③ “It's margin”(余白)・(端・はし)・(縁・へり・ふち)・(最初)・(余裕)・(余地)・(間・ま・space)・(虚・きょ)
☆④ By this, "interesting" to think that "margin" has the effect of leading to "rejoce"
(これによって、この "余白" "余地" が共に "喜び" に導かれる効用がある考え方は "興味深い")
☆In addition, the human body is also able to "function" because of this "gaps"
(加えて、人間の身体もこの "隙間" があることにより "活動" できる)
☆Affirmation is the "strongest"
(肯定することは "最強")
☆①It's "skillfull person"
(それは "巧者")
☆Bring "functionality" to the "beauty" of the "body"
(身体の "美" の中に "機能性" を持たせる)
☆①Also, beautiful things "demonstrate" "functionality"
(また、美しいものが "機能性" を "発揮" する)
☆②Acupuncture is also effective in "increasing" "functionality"
(鍼治療は "機能性" を "高める" ことにも効能がある)
☆It's "interesting" to use each step as a "stepping stone" and "move up"
(1つ1つ "踏み石" にして "上がって" いくのが "面白い")
"step by step ・enjoy able"
☆.To "rejoice" in the step.

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